3 Ways St. Michael The Archangel Helps Kids | Little Saint Adventures

3 Ways St. Michael The Archangel Helps Kids 

There are some saints whose stories immediately appeal to kids.

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Saint Michael the Archangel is one of those saints. He is a champion of good, leader of God’s army, and the Prince of the Angels. 

The story of his epic battle to cast Satan and his rebellious angels out of heaven assures us of his courage, strength, and valor. 

Teach children about St. Michael the Archangel by sharing these 3 ways that he can help them.

1. Guide Them To Make The Right Choice - One of St. Michael’s jobs is to help people make good, Godly choices in all circumstances. He will help you when you have to make a hard decision or when you are tempted to do wrong. 2. Protect Them From Harm - St. Michael is a protector and defender of the Church. When you are in danger - physically, emotionally, or spiritually - he will come to your side. 3. Help Them To Be Brave When They Are Afraid - St. Michael can help give you courage when you are fearful. Just ask him for help!

When we teach children about the saints, we give them a lifelong gift. These “friends” in heaven are willing and ready to come to help us when we need it most. Their stories inspire us to strive for holiness and persevere in times of trial.

Are you looking for ways to teach your child about the saints?

Little Saint Adventures is an app that was created to do just that! Designed by leading Catholic educators and innovators, this app features eight saint-themed worlds that contain games, stories, songs, and lessons from the Catechism. In the St. Michael’s Battlefield world, children learn about heaven, angels, saints, intercession, and our call to sainthood...all while having a blast! It’s an app both kids and parents love.

 Best of all, you can try out the first world - St. Francis Forest - for FREE today!