5 Stories From St. Francis You’ve Probably Never Heard

Discover 5 Little Known Stories About Francis and Animals.

We all know the stories of Francis preaching to the birds and taming the wild wolf. But his biographies are filled with other amazing stories of his love for all of creation. This love arose from his love of the Creator, the Source of all created things. 

1. Once while Francis was traveling near Siena, he greeted a flock of sheep grazing at pasture. Much to the astonishment of the shepherds and the friars, the sheep ran to greet Francis along the way.

2. A lamb was once given to Francis and permitted to live with the friars at St. Mary of the Portiuncula. At Francis’ instructions, the animal would genuflect upon entering the church, and would even kneel down during the elevation of the Eucharist at Mass.

3. While staying at Greccio, someone once gave Francis a wild rabbit that they’d caught. Upon receiving the rabbit, Francis let it go, but it would jump back up into his arms whenever he’d call it. Finally, he had the friars take it to a safe place so that it wouldn’t get captured again and so that it wouldn’t keep jumping up at him.

4. A cricket used to sing outside of the Portiuncula while the friars sang the evening Office. Francis called the cricket to him. After it jumped into his hands he said, “Sing, my sister cricket, praise the Lord Creator with your joyful song.” It continued singing every evening outside the Portiuncula until Francis gave it permission to move along.

5. While staying at Greccio on another occasion, a falcon was a great source of consolation to Francis. It used to wake him every night for the nighttime Office by singing and making a great deal of noise outside of his window. When Francis fell ill, however, the bird took pity on him and was quiet at night so that the friar could rest and recover.

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