Is There A Patron Saint For Snow Days?

4 Saints That Might Help You Get A Snow Day! 

Most children have been back in the school routine for a few weeks now and are ready for a snow day (or two!) to give them a break from the daily grind. 

Who can they ask for help? These four saints might just be able to pull a few strings.

1) Our Lady of the Snows 

Start big and take your petition to Mary, Mother of God. This title of Mary is one of the oldest known devotions to Our Mother. It is believed that Mary caused a miraculous snowfall on a hot August day around the year 358 A.D in Rome in order to reveal the location in which a church was to be built.

2) St. Dimitar

Saint Dimitar is revered among the people of Bulgaria and believed to be the twin brother of St. George. Folklore tradition says that at midnight on his feast day, October 26th, the sky opens and the snow falls marking the first day of the winter season.

3) St. Eulalia of Merida

This young saint was tormented by persecutors and eventually became a martyr for the faith. As she lay suffering from burning fire and hot coals, it is said that “Providence covered [her] with a blanket of snow, which seemed to whiten it and give it a marvelous beauty." She is known as a patron saint of weather and snow.

4) St. Sebald

Many miracles are attributed to this hermit saint, including turning icicles into firewood. Though he is known as the patron saint against cold weather, maybe he will do a favor for prayerful school children across the globe. Parents, if you need a break or can’t take a day off from work, maybe you can ask St. Sebald to prevent the snow day your child is praying for! 

Looking for something to do on your snow day?

Check out the Little Saint Adventures app. This newly released app has been designed by leading Catholic educators and theologians to teach your child the basics of the faith through interactive games, quizzes, and stories. With eight saint-themed worlds to explore like Francis Forest and Avila’s Castle, children come to know the saints as their friends while learning lessons on prayer and the Catechism. 

Discover Little Saint Adventures today!