5 DIY Catholic Costume Ideas for Halloween

Are you feeling the pressure of finding a unique and clever Halloween costume? Why not use this as an opportunity to reclaim some of the holiness that once surrounded this holiday and dress-up as something Catholic!

5 DIY Catholic Costume Ideas For Halloween

1) St. John the Baptist - Express the wild side of St. John the Baptist by wearing a hair shirt. Wear a brown t-shirt and use a brown blanket or piece of fleece fabric to drape around your shoulders and across your body. Tie it together with a piece of twine or a leather belt. Find a few plastic grasshoppers, a jar of honey, and a walking stick to complete your costume. Older kids or adults looking for more of a scare factor? Find a way to incorporate St. John the Baptist’s head on a platter.

2) St. Michael the Archangel - This saint is known as a protector and defender of the faith. Purchase a plastic knight costume or make your own with a bit of tin foil and cardboard. Angel wings can be made by cutting out cardboard and gluing on white feathers. A sword is what makes this look authentic and fierce.

3) Noah's Ark - This idea requires a bit more skill, but an ark can be made out of cardboard boxes or by cutting out the bottom of a basket. A quick internet search will reveal several variations that will inspire you to create the ark. Stuffed animals can be used to ride on the ark or recruit some friends to dress as Noah and the animals for a great group costume idea.

4) St. Teresa of Calcutta - If you’re short on time, Mother Teresa is the costume for you. Create Mother Teresa’s traditional look by using a white sheet and blue painter’s tape to create the blue lines found on the Missionaries of Charity’s habit.

5) Paschal Candle - You’ll be sure to get a lot of questions about the meaning of this costume. Use a piece of white poster board and white duct tape to construct the candle. Use gold glitter glue to create the traditional design seen on the Paschal Candle. Attach a few pieces of yellow cellophane to a headband and let your light shine before all.


Did you know that there are several saints who were princesses, queens, and kings? Put your dress-up clothes to good use and incorporate saintly royalty into your costume this year.

Interested in learning more about these great saints, biblical stories, and the Catholic faith?

Check out the Little Saint Adventures App. With 6 saint-themed worlds to explore, children ages 3-8 will learn through play as they engage in fun and exciting games that teach the faith in an innovative way. From Francis Forest to Frassati Peak, children will build friendships with the saints and discover lessons from the Catechism while having a blast.

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