If you’re like most parents, you feel so intimidated by the task of sharing your faith with your children that you just freeze up. No one prepared you for this! No one taught you how to teach the Faith to your kids.
Most of us aren’t sure how to explain the Faith to our kids. It’s not that we don’t want to teach them – it’s that we simply don’t know how. And so we go into default mode. We do what our parents did, and what we see everyone else doing now:
All of these things are good and necessary. But the best way for your kids to learn about the Faith is by seeing it modeled by you and talking to you about your beliefs.
Along with super-fun faith-based games for your kids, we email you ideas for conversation starters and give you a list of family activities that will bring your kids out of cyberspace and into the family space. Plus we set you up with a list of game-changing resources that help you take your faith-sharing to the next level.
Sign up for our monthly membership today and get access to our growing list of 75+ family activities to go along with the growing body of games that we’ve designed to make learning about the Faith both fun and informative.
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