1.) Pray - It's so basic

Yet, in the chaos of family life, prayer time often gets neglected. Schedule time not only for yourself but also for your children to pray. In doing this, you invite God into your home to bring His grace and peace to your family.  

TIP: A great time for parents to pray? Swim lessons or baseball games! Get a rosary app and a pair of headphones and you’ll be making the best use of your time.  

2.) Make a Summer Bucket List

Gather as a family and make a list of the fun things you hope to do. Write down everything from having a lemonade stand to traveling to your favorite vacation destination. Don’t forget to add simple service projects like making cookies for the neighbors or writing letters to those who are lonely. Include something for everyone to enjoy and keep it realistic, but fun.  

TIP: Choose one day of the week as your field trip day. This will keep the kids from constantly asking when they get to do the really special activities.  

3.) Read a lot

Don't let your children forget all that they've learned during the school year over the summer. Make time for reading every day and pick a good book to read together as a family. Library programs help to keep kids focused and motivated. There are countless benefits to reading aloud to your children.  

TIP: Reading aloud even five minutes a day is better than none! Use a special dessert as a bribe to bring everyone together.  

4.) Play outside

Everyone feels better with fresh air and exercise. The old-fashioned parenting technique of sending kids outside and not allowing them to come back in until dusk has some merit. It's good for kids to get "bored" and explore the world God gave us.  

Tip: If you haven’t given the self-filling water balloons a try, you’re missing out on one of the BEST parenting hacks ever.  

5.) Time to relax

Rainy days spent in PJs watching movies, sleeping in, or playing (gasp!) apps can be a real treat. Of course, you don't want too much screen time, but after a busy school year full of activities and homework it's important to let everyone (including you!) take a break.  

Tip: One app that kids are sure to love is the Little Saint Adventures app. Let the kids spend some time learning the truths of the Catholic faith this summer.  

6.) Vacation

Studies continually show that experiences bring more joy than things. Save your money for adventures. You don't have to go far. Planning a staycation from your own home works, just be sure to step away from work to enjoy your family.

Tip: When you vacation, look for Catholic destinations like shrines or cathedrals to make a part of your trip.  

7.) Make it to Mass

It should go without saying, but summer vacation doesn’t mean a vacation from Mass. Keep this your priority no matter what season you're in! 

Tip: Summer is a great time to give daily Mass a try. Try going to Mass one extra day a week and maybe add in time for Confession too.


The creators behind the Little Saint Adventures app want to see kids grow in their faith this summer and parents get the downtime they need. That’s why they’re offering this fun-filled, faith-based, Catholic app AND the Parents Portal app FREE. Click below to get started.